Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I'm a pro now!

Today was my appointment to have my baseline sonogram done and to begin my Lupron shots. The baseline sonogram showed great results. My uterus was a good size and my ovaries were looking good as well.

The reason for the baseline sonogram is to have a visual of what everything looks like now. So that later when more sonograms are done, they will know that if anything changed, it's been since the cycle has begun.

I also got to give myself my first shot. The nurse asked if I wanted her to do the shot or if I wanted to do it. I knew if I didn't do it, I'd never get over my fear, and tomorrow morning would be terrible as I'd try to give it to myself.

So the nurse drew the medicine for me, I pinched my stomach, and 1,2,3, done! It was so easy and I didn't even feel it! I'm totally a shot giving pro now! Made me feel so much better!

And I know that I've talked about how amazing Dr. Ku is, but I also have to say how amazing my nurse at Dallas IVF is! Her name is Joan and she has been by my side through everything! She originally taught me how to give myself shots when we were preparing for IUI, she was the one who called me to let me know that we were pregnant, she was also there to give me the most heartfelt hug when I came in for the blood work to confirm my miscarriage. I will miss her greatly when I am released to my OB once we are pregnant.

But for now, I will enjoy Joan and our wonderful conversations that are always filled with loud laughter. I'm sure everyone is wondering what kind of treatment I'm getting and are wanting that treatment since I'm always laughing with her!

She did warn me that she has heard from her other patients that Lupron causes you to be a bit emotional. Wonderful! The birth control is already doing that! I watched The Princess Diaries 2 last night and cried at the end. Oh geez a lou! Kyle better watch out! Another side affect is headaches. So I can take tylenol to fix that. No Advil or Ibuprofen during an IVF cycle. Just in case  you didn't know that. For those who are going through IVF of course.

So now I have been instructed to continue birth control for 1 more week then stop. Then, once I began my next cycle, I will call the office and they will instruct me on my next set of shots. Eventually I will be at 3 shots a day of Lupron, Menopur, and Follistim.

But it will all be worth it in the end when I see those two beautiful pink lines! I can't wait.
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  1. You have such a wonderful writing voice! I found a gift I want to send you once you have your baby(ies!) in your arms :)

  2. We have started our IVF journey this January with IVFMD and will be on Follistim & Menopur - hence how I found your blog! We are delayed due to an ovarian cyst and high estrogen count so we're waiting on those two things until everything is a go. Was curious to see what those shots were like. Thanks for sharing your experience! -A in Dallas

  3. I read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to reading more from you down the road!

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