Tuesday, November 12, 2013

And Then There Were Three

Yes, you are reading that correctly! We got our results and we are pregnant!
I had my beta test on Monday morning, but Kyle and I planned on taking a home pregnancy test before he left for work so that we could experience it together!

Well recently I've been having to pee alot! Good sign right? Well I woke up and had to go. I rolled over and looked at the clock and it was ONLY 3:30am!! What?! I can't hold it for another 2 hours! So then I started thinking, "well if I go now, I won't be able to go later." What to do? Well I can't hold it so I gotta go! I heard Kyle turning over while on my way to the bathroom. I asked if he was awake, he said he was. So we decided to do it right then. So I did my thing and then sat on the bed for 3 minutes. My heart was in my chest and everything we had been doing in preparation for IVF was done. This was it! We went back into the bathroom to look at the tests and this is what we found!
We were shocked! At first the 2 pink lines test didn't show the 2nd pink line, which made no sense since the digital said yes, but when we looked real close, that little pink line was there! Granted, we were half asleep so it may have been clearer had we been more awake :)

We got back in bed, but of course neither of us could sleep. So yesterday, was a tiring day since we had been up since 3:30 but we wouldn't trade it for the world!
I went in for my beta test yesterday morning and my nurse Joan knew immediately that I cheated :) I had a huge smile on my face! I just can't hide it. My beta was 50 and I'm going back on Wednesday for another beta test. They said it needs to be at least 100. Praying the baby keeps growing strong and the HCG continues to grow. I don't know if I can handle another loss. I know I know, how can I be talking about losing the baby already? It's because I've been there. I've been there when they told me by beta numbers were fine and we still lost the baby. I was there when we lost the baby 10 days after we found out.

I am guarded and I have a right to be. I'll probably be guarded for awhile. At least until the 1st trimester is over if not longer. If I can make it to 6 weeks and I can see that baby and hear the heart beat, I know I will start feeling better. At least I hope so.

But today I will rejoice in this little one's life. I came across this bible verse on Sunday and after I read it, I felt such a sense of peace. I knew God was going to take care of us and our baby.
If you are a friend or family member, we do plan to share this amazing news soon! Please keep the news to yourself and allow us to share it when we are ready!
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  2. I am SOOO excited for you! Prayers for you & that sweet baby!!!

  3. Ahhhh! Congrats, you two! So happy for you! Praying for you and your little one! I know he's all snuggled in for the next 9 months or so!

  4. Yay!!!! Praying for that sweet baby to grow!!

  5. Thanks for sharing your story. I am sure it takes a lot of courage. I found your blog from the Massey blog. Its wonderful to see people keep faith at a time like this. I am just in the start of the infertility process, so its nice to read stories like this.

  6. I have been checking your blog like a stalker just praying for you two---- THREE! Congrats! Listen to that body and enjoy growing that little one! (the peeing thing is a great sign :) even though it is a pain in the bumm) Congrats again!

    .....I completely understand the guarded thing and you do what works for you (my hubby and I didn't tell anyone until I was almost 20 weeks along! That's how guarded I was!)

  7. SOOOO happy for you! Continually praying for you 3! God is SO SO good :)

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