Thursday, January 30, 2014

week 15- bump update and letters for baby

//shirt-Pink Blush Maternity// pants-LOFT (not maternity)//

Bump Update
How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain: 3 pounds so far! We will see if it's more at my 16 week appointment on February 4. I have a feeling it's going to be a bit more :)
Maternity clothes?  FULL on maternity clothes now. My bump is so low that my regular shirts are becoming too short! Thank goodness the hubs started budgeting for maternity clothes for each month.
Stretch marks? nope!
    Sleep: Sleep is hit or miss. I'm starting to get uncomfortable at night and having to switch sides more often. My arms fall asleep more easily so that wake me up. And of course the constant peeing :)
Best moment this week: One of my friends contacted me about throwing a baby shower! Our first shower is scheduled for the end of May. It's all becoming real!
Miss anything? wine and sushi. I don't think this will ever change.
Food cravings: sweets and fruit.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing makes me sick anymore it just comes on real strong then goes away once I puke :)
Gender: We don't know yet but I am thinking girl. Kyle wants a boy, but from the beginning I've felt girl even though I want a boy. I'll be fine with a girl though :)
Labor signs: nope
Symptoms: constantly peeing, tired, can smell everything, acne, large chest
Belly button in or out?  In! And I don't think it will ever pop. It's the deepest inney ever!
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: I am happy! I've started feeling baby flutter around in my tummy and I love it!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender of the baby!
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  1. I cannot wait to find out the gender! I'm thinking GIRL! :) If you like artsy things, I found an artsy supplies website that has good prices! Check it out:!

  2. So I figured out how to cheat the system regarding the no sushi deal... I ordered sweet potato maki and was SO thrilled because I felt like I was having my usual indulgence but because there's no meat, you're golden. It's always the things we can't have that we want the most! I can't help with the wine situation though ;)

    So excited to find out if you're having a boy or girl... and to see what you come up with for your reveal!

  3. Can't wait for the gender reveal. U should have a reveal guess.

  4. I just started reading your blog so I am catching up and I have to say you look beautiful!!! I think because I am short that pregnancy will just make me extra wide when it does happen, but you don't look big at all just perfectly cute! Also congrats on the pregnancy!

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