Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I'm in LOVE {pregnancy necessities}

Throughout my pregnancy so far I have fallen in LOVE with certain products that have made my pregnancy easier. Some of them are things are to physically make the pregnancy easier and some are just to make you laugh!
// 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 //

1. Snoogle- this is a new addition to my pregnancy necessities but it's at the top of the list because I just LOVE it! It makes sleeping on your side easier and is just so darn comfortable! I recommend it to any preggo momma who is having trouble getting comfortable at night.

2. Aveeno products- my skin has been CRAZY dry since becoming pregnant. I use the Positively Ageless Exfoliating Cleanser every night to get the dry skin off then I use the Aveeno night cream to get my skin moisturized for the night because when I wake up, my skin is already dry again. Then I use the positively radiant lotion for my daily lotion. I will put it on as soon as I wake up, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, then put another layer on. Yes, my skin is THAT dry!

3. Jessica Simpson work out pants- I work out 3-4 a week and these pants are the best! My regular work out pants just weren't giving my belly the support it needed to be on the elliptical for 30 minutes. These pants have a belly band and are just so darn cute!

4. Hot Bun/Sock Bun- You may say "how is this a necessity?" The reason this is on my list is because some mornings you wake up and just aren't feeling like getting "pretty" for the day. The sock bun is the perfect alternative that looks cute all day long! It may take a few times of practice, but once you got it, you'll be thanking me! Check out this video if you're not sure how to make the bun work!

5. Blistex- back to the dry skin. My poor lips are so dry too! I try to drink enough water, but sometimes it doesn't happen. You may be saying "chapstick is chapstick." and I may have agreed with you, UNTIL I used this chapstick. It's medicated and I feel relief instantly!

6. Liz Lange maternity tanks- These babies are so stinking comfy and go with EVERYTHING! Perfect for summer and winter because you can easily pair it with a sweater. They come in all colors and I'm pretty sure by the end of this pregnancy, I will own every color!

7. Tracy Anderson's The Pregnancy Project- Sometimes I just don't feel like getting up and going to the gym. That's where this work comes in! And the BEST part is there's a separate work out for every month as your belly gets bigger. The work outs vary from 30-50 minutes and it is all doable! Now do not think it's going to be "easy", your booty is going to hurt the next day, but all in a good way!

8. From Pea to Pumpkin- This journal is such a sweet way to document your pregnancy every week. It is a fill in the blank kind of journal with places to put sonogram pictures and write memories you have of your pregnancy.

9. Belly Laughs- Now this is just to give you a BIG laugh! I have NEVER laughed so hard in my life! It takes the not so pretty parts of pregnancy and just puts it out there! I promise you won't regret it!

10. And my last necessity for this pregnancy is this guy. In all seriousness though, he has been the sweetest on days that I'm feeling terrible or the days that I feel huge and not pretty. He's a man of few words, so when he does the dishes for me or folds the laundry, I know he's saying "it's ok honey, you just grow our baby. I've got this."
He's a keeper for sure! Sorry ladies, no link to get one of him. He's mine! ;)
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  1. I have been wondering if those bun things really work so I am glad to know you approve. I may have to try this :)

  2. My friend makes an all-natural lotion called "fab salve" that is seriously a dream come true for people with dry skin. It's a miracle worker. She originally made it bc she couldn't find anything to help her baby's eczema. It works so well that my mom has started prescribing it for her patients! I know you've already fallen in love with Aveeno, but if you want to try it, here's the link to her etsy shop. nnhttps://www.etsy.com/listing/175905984/fab-salve-all-natural-go-to-moisturizing

  3. Awwwhh! Haha! You have a good man! I'm so happy for you guys! WHEN I do get pregnant I'll have to come back to this post and see if I need any of these necessities! :)

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  6. Awesome products list!
    But links to Aveeno products that you gave doesn't work anymore. Apparently these pages were deleted.
    Sorry for indiscreet question, did your guy ever use enhancement cream?


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