Thursday, April 10, 2014

week 25 bump update and letters to Reagan

//shirt-PinkBlush Maternity (not available anymore)//

Bump Update
How far along? 25 weeks

Total weight gain: I am not caring anymore how much I've gained. I'm gaining exactly the amount that baby Rae needs! So no more looking when they weigh me. I will look though at my last weigh in to know how much I gained for the whole pregnancy.

Maternity clothes?  FULL on maternity clothes now, but to not make it look like I'm bigger than I am, I make sure to have a belt or the shirt must have synching at the waist. Rae goes straight out and if I wear a flowly shirt, I look huge!

Stretch marks? nope! Mom didn't have any, so I don't expect to get any. I heard stretch marks are all in the genetics.

    Sleep: I decided to put the snoogle away for a bit and it's actually been helping me sleep! Of course, I'm up 3-4 times a night to pee, but it's just preparing me for the near future :)

Best moment this week: watching my belly button slowly disappear! At night is when I laugh the most since I'm full from a day of eating it's just a slit. It's so deep that I don't think it'll pop, but it for sure is going to get stretched!

Miss anything? being able to do anything I want. I'm getting to the point where I am really have to start thinking about what I do. Should I go to the mall and walk around or just I stay at home and rest? Should I schedule multiple lunches a week with friends or stay at home and eat alittle more healthy? I have alittle one to think about. Things are changing!

Food cravings: Craving Chick-fila constantly! I could eat it for every meal! And love fruit :)

Anything making you queasy or sick? nope, but I have gotten sick a few times this week. I'm blaming it on traveling and being dehydrated.

Gender: Pink

Labor signs: nope

Symptoms: Swollen ankles (a new one), winded easily, sensitive skin (gets a sun burn even with 70 spf), crampy (she's growing a lot lately), and of course, peeing constantly! I can't get in the car without going before we leave. Kyle always remind me to pee before we leave, just like a kid! And the newest symptom is leaking. Haha. Apparently my poor bladder is just not strong as it's being smooshed by my uterus. 

Belly button in or out?  In! And I don't think it will ever pop. It's the deepest inney ever! Definitely getting stretched though!

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or moody most of the time: I am happy! ALL the time!

Looking forward to: having our sweet girl here. We are 15 weeks or less away from having her here with us and I can't wait!
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  1. You are so right! Who cares how much you've gained? As long as mommy and baby are healthy, the weight gain won't matter. I have yet to put my snoogle away and I'm not even pregnant anymore. My husband hates it because it takes up half the bed. But after what you've said about it helping you sleep when you put it away, I'm starting to wonder if I should wean myself off it. Only 15 more weeks! Enjoy every second of it.

  2. I get those same looks from people when I tell them that I am still 6 weeks away!! You are looking great! Enjoy these last 15 weeks :)

  3. Your pregnancy is FLYING by! Those crappy symptoms and you are still happy all of the time! Good for you! Happines is contagious! ;)

  4. Do you want to spy on someone's phone? This is your chance!


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