Monday, June 16, 2014

week 35- bump update and letters for Reagan

Bump Update
How far along? 35 weeks (I actually posted on the day I turned 35 weeks instead of at the end of the week like I normally do! Haha)

Total weight gain: 31 pounds, my goal is 40 pounds for the whole pregnancy. We will see if I make it!

Maternity clothes? ummm yes. I'm getting so big that I'm starting to rotate outfits because only a few things still fit and are still comfortable.

Stretch marks? nope! but my tummy is very veiny and purple. Stretching like crazy!

    Sleep: It's touch and go. Every night is different. Sometimes I'm able to fall right asleep, other nights, it takes HOURS! I just have so much on my mind from things I still need to get done (like pack our hospital bags, nope still haven't done that, even though I planned on doing it last week) to the actual process of getting this baby out of me! Oh goodness.

Best moment this week: this actually has nothing to do with my pregnancy, BUT my sister got engaged!! YAY!!!! She is my best friend and I love her so much and now Reagan is not only going to have an aunt, but an UNCLE too!!
the newly engaged couple, Derek and Courtney
so stinking excited to start planning!
he did GOOD!
our families celebrating! So happy we could be there to see the proposal!
Miss anything? The weight gain is really getting to me. It makes doing anything hard. I am looking forward to getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight or somewhat close!

Food cravings: fruit, cheese, avocado, vanilla greek yogurt.

Anything making you queasy or sick? nope, but my sense of smell is very strong so I smell EVERYTHING!

Gender: girl

Labor signs: nope but I occasionally I will have some pain in my lower abdomen. I think it's just round ligament pain.

Symptoms: round ligament pain, occasional heartburn, feeling full all the time, peeing constantly and urgently, swollen ankles, winded easily, braxton hicks.

Belly button in or out?  In! but looking more like a belly button slit these days. Who knows if it'll ever pop?

Wedding rings on or off: On, but pretty darn tight. They may be coming off very soon!

Happy or moody most of the time: happy, but very driven lately. I have so much on my mind that I want to get done, that it's made me alittle cray cray :) And the fact that Kyle is thinking he may want to spell her name Raegan instead of Reagan like we've been planning on is kind of stressing me out! It needs to be decided like NOW!!!

Looking forward to: same as last week! finishing up her nursery, getting all the final details put together, getting the carseat installed, packing our hospital bags, buying all the last odds and ends, having the last 2 showers.
post signature


  1. Can't wait for ur nursery reveal.

    1. It should be finished this weekend with a nursery reveal for my 36 week update :) I am pretty darn proud of it!

  2. I was so over gaining weight at the end too- I ended up at 35 and lost 12 in the hospital and 12 in the two weeks following, just from breastfeeding and being so busy with the baby. It will happen! And it will feel GREAT!

    1. I'm so over it too!! I don't care anymore, honestly I never cared. My doctor was the one that got me all up in arms about it. I'm just ready for her to be here! Haha

  3. I love your letter this week. I hope she doesn't take too long and she arrives safely. Hugs!

    Congrats to your sister...

    1. Thank you Jessah! So excited for you and your husband in finding your egg donor! I know this is going to be it for you!!!

  4. Can't wait for her arrival! You looks great as always. Congrats to your sister, her ring is GORGEOUS!!!!

  5. You look beautiful, as always Mama!!! Love your pink blush skirt in the family picture :) XO

  6. A big congrats to your sister! they both looks so happy. You look gorgeous too, pregnancy suits you! xx

  7. Congrats to your sister! You have a beautiful family :)

  8. Such sweet photos of you and your sister. What a fun time of so many good things to celebrate.

    Side note- I saw this recipe the other day and just popped in my mind that you might like it since you are a fellow greek yogurt and fruit lover. I am on that plan too momma! ;) ...

  9. Just wanted to stop by and let you know I nominated you for a blogger award. Check out my latest post :)
    Hope you are enjoying these last weeks of pregnancy!

  10. I am sorry that you are not sleeping well. I have the same problem when I have a lot of "to do" lists going through my mind or when I am nervous about something. I will be the same way when I am pregnant and almost due! I'm so excited for you! She's ALMOST here! I bet she'll be early! You should do a baby pool on your blog! I haven't seen it just came to me....but it sounds fun! ;)

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