Monday, July 7, 2014

week 38- bump update and letters for Raegan

Bump Update
How far along? 38 weeks

Total weight gain: 35 pounds

Progress: none at all! 0 cm, 0% effaced

Maternity clothes: I'm surviving on t-shirts, tank tops, and shorts! The Texas heat is HEATING up quick!

Stretch marks: nope! Wahoo!

    Sleep: ugh. Don't even mention sleep to me right now. If I can even fall asleep, the night welcomes continuous braxton hicks, cramping (tummy and legs), and constant peeing. I dread night time.

Best moment this week: we got her mamaroo and pack-n-play this week! Everything is ready for you! Come on baby! We also decided we are going to spell her name Raegan. Part of me is scared to announce that in case we change our minds, but I think we are pretty set on it! At least I hope so!

Miss anything? I was looking at all of the previous bump pictures and I miss my pre-pregnancy face. Ready for it to slim down again.

Food cravings: fruit, cheese, avocado, vanilla greek yogurt, rainbow popsicles.

Anything making you queasy or sick? nope!

Gender: girl

Labor signs: I'm definitely having Braxton Hicks contractions and I'm very crampy, but besides that, nothing new!

Symptoms: round ligament pain,peeing constantly and urgently, swollen ankles, winded easily, braxton hicks, crampy.

Belly button in or out: In! but looking more like a belly button slit these days. Who knows if it'll ever pop?

Wedding rings on or off: On! I'm so surprised!

Happy or moody most of the time: I'm still feeling great, but am really getting impatient. God really taught Kyle and I patience on our road to becoming parents. I really need to dig deep and tap into that patience that He so lovingly taught us back then.

Looking forward to: sweet girls arrival.
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  1. I just replied to your comment on my blog and spelled it 'Reagan' oops! I do like 'Raegan" though :) Can't wait until she is here!

    1. no worries!!! I'm sure we are going to turn a lot of people upside down with the spelling change, but I don't care! Haha :)

  2. Cmon Raegan! We can't wait to see you!

  3. Well, the good thing about the name change is that I think there's less chance of people wanting to accidentally call her Reegan like there is a long E sound in the middle. I liked both spellings, but the new one does have it's benefits! So happy she's staying put even though I know you're getting antsy and want her to come naturally without induction. A lot of women would kill for their cervix to be that strong at 38 weeks! There's still plenty of time and things could change on a moment's notice.

    1. exactly! Kyle and I were talking about how you pronounce Teagan as TEE-gan so Reagan should be REE-gan so we need to spell it Raegan! But having a president with the last name Reagan it is a more commonly known name. But it's decided! And I'm done! No more going back! Haha And yes, apparently I have a cervix of steal. Haha!

  4. Wow- 38 weeks!! Almost there! And you still look amazing :)

  5. Yay! I cannot wait until Raegen gets here! I can't wait to see her beautiful face! I am so excited for you two!!! I keep checking daily to see posts from you. I look forward to seeing the "She's here...." post!!!

  6. I went in my for my 38 week appointment and the idiot PA did a very intense exam (super uncomfortable) and said I was nowhere near and that she was sure they'd see me back next week. The next day I went into labor. Lesson: sometimes intense exams can strip your membranes with out anyone realizing it. Lesson 2: Sometimes babies just want to come! Good luck! I'm sure everyone is telling you to enjoy your time right now (I rolled my eyes when people did), but seriously, cherish the quiet, spur-of-the-moment Target runs, and uninterrupted showers.

  7. You are almost there!! I would be impatiently waiting too. I have to agree with you having a stron cervix. My SIL was 1cm dilated but never went past that. Start walking, as my momma likes to say. Can't wait to see a post announcing her arrival.

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