Friday, February 12, 2016

Grammy Do's and Don'ts {preggo style}

The Grammy's are quickly approaching and I can't wait to see all of the amazing outfits, both good and bad.

Every year there are normally a few pregnant attendees and sometimes they look totally amazing and other times, well, you've seen them before.

Diasters. Pure diasters.

So I thought I would put together a list of DO'S and DON'TS for the pregnant gals of any grand, formal event.
DON'T wear a crop top. We aren't all obsessed with your belly as you are.

DON'T wear a light colored dress because we all know you'll be sweating your butt off and no one wants to see butt sweat lines.

DON'T wear high heels. You know by the end of the night your feet will look like Shrek and no one wants to see you fall on your face.

DON'T forget your bra pads because, well, we all know things start leaking well before the baby arrives.

DON'T wear animal print. Keep it simple!

DO wear waterproof mascara because we know that all things make you emotional these days.

DO plan to have your limo pick you up right as the Grammy's are over. There's no way you'll have enough energy to make it to the after parties.

DO make sure you know the quickest route to the bathroom from your seat.

DO pose sideways! Everyone loves to see that adorable bump. 

DO use the bathroom at least 5 times before zipping up your dress because Lord knows getting out of it may put you into labor.

DO remember to have fun! Yeah, you're preggo, but you still know how to have a good time! This is your night. Except for when your belly steals the spotlight. So it's like half your night.


  1. Haha love these! Can't wait to be preggo one day ;)

  2. I think that you need to also check out this site for some info on how to handle the freshman year in college. Good luck with that


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