Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Hudson 2 Months

Hudson Kyle
2 months
13 pounds 8.5 oz 88% (9 pounds 12 oz at birth)
24 inches 85% (22 inches at birth)
It's already been two months.

TWO months.

Time is flying by and our little guy is growing and getting so big.
He is such a happy baby and it's almost like he was always meant to be in our family. He's such a laid back baby which is completely different than Rae. It's been a breathe of fresh air. Not to say he doesn't cry, because he does. And when he does, my whole world melts. He has the sweetest cry. No seriously. I just want to fix whatever is making him upset and cuddle him. And the pouty lip? Just stop it!

He's a good sleeper! Compared to Raegan, he's a great sleeper! He takes 3-4 naps a day and wakes 2-3 a night to eat. He goes down easily for naps and doesn't need to sleep in someone's arms. Total opposite of Rae. It could be that he's a 2nd baby and literally I can't hold him all day long. The only time he fights sleep is when we put him down for the night. Lately it's been taking a long time. Hoping that gets better soon! At night he wakes, eats, and goes right back to sleep, which is so nice!

Little guy loves to eat. Well should I say big guy! During the day he eats every 2-3 hours and at night it's about 3-4, but a couple times it's been close to 6. He's an efficient nurser and is done within 10-15 minutes on both sides. I'm producing a lot of milk and have a freezer stocked full! Which is such a blessing as Kyle and I are going to Jamaica in August and will need enough milk for him for the week we are gone.

Hudson is content to lay on his playmat and look at his animals swinging above his head. He's not a fan of tummy time for more than a few minutes, but he has good head control. He can hold his head up for a few seconds and tries to more and more each day. He's beginning to smile and it's more than gassy smiles. He's such a sweet baby!

Now for the 2 month photo dump!


  1. Aren't boys just the best!!! (granted that's all I know..haha) The pouty lip is to die for..oh I love it! Totally not related but where did you get that iphone case?? It's so cute!

  2. Hudson is so freakin' adorable! Both your babies are! I am so happy for you!!! And Jordan was easy too. That makes me nervous about baby #2! I always hear that they are the opposite of what you currently have. ;) Lol

  3. They definitely look alike! Hudson is such a cutie.

  4. He is just perfect!!! I could kiss those cheeks to death!!<3

  5. he is so handsome and perfect!! seeing newborns gives me baby fever LOL!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hudson is adorable!! Such kissable cheeks I don't know how you can get anything done. I'm about to be in your shoes. I have a 20 month old daughter and baby girl #2 is due next month. I saw that you have the City Select and was hoping to get your opinion. Do you like it with the two kids? Can you recline Raegan while Hudson is in his car seat? Any cons you can think of? I was all set on buying this stroller and then friends tell me to get a side by side. Ahhh..I need an honest opinion. I appreciate your help. Thanks so much!!

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