Baby Registry Must Haves Series {Feeding}

So glad to have you back for my "Baby Registry Must Have Series". Yesterday we talked about my must haves for travel. Today I am talking about must haves for feeding.

This list is for the breastfeeding mama and the bottle feeding mama. Most of the items I used with Raegan, and some items I'm hoping to use with Hudson like the My Breast Friend pillow and the Milk Snob nursing cover.

1. Boppy- This pillow is great for nursing or bottle feeding. It can also be used for tummy time when baby is practicing holding its head up.
2. My Breast Friend Pillow- Since I didn't get to breastfeed with Raegan I'm putting this on here in hopes it'll be great for breastfeeding Hudson. I've heard great reviews.
3. The Windi- Get this. You'll thank me later. This was a lifesaver for us when Raegan was tiny and had tummy problems. It's a little catheter that goes in baby's bottom to help release air or umm the other stuff. And watch out. Because when it's the other stuff, you don't want to be in the line of fire. Lesson learned.
4. Gas Relief Drops- We liked the gas drops more than the gripe water. The amount she had to take was less and you could it up to like 10-12 times a day, which we never got close to, but it was nice to know we couldn't OD on it.
5. Countertop Drying Rack- Since Raegan was exclusively bottom fed we needed somewhere for the bottles to dry. Instead of putting it on the counter, Kyle drilled holes in the bottom tray, and we placed it in our side sink. It fit perfectly and wasn't an eye sore in the kitchen.
6. Milk Snob Nursing Cover- Remember seeing this guy on the travel section as a car seat cover? Well you did! And guess what? It can double as nursing cover. Sold.
7.  Dr. Brown's Bottle Warmer- LOVE this wamer! We had the Cuisenart warmer and quickly switched to this one because it has a water reservoir that you fill up on the side. That way you don't have to fill it up with water each time you need it.
8. Dr. Brown's Bottles- There are tons of bottles to choose from and each baby is different. Raegan was on a special bottle until after her cleft palate surgery then we used these. I'm hoping Hudson likes them too. If not, like I said, there are tons of bottle options out there.
9. Green Sprouts Drip Drop Bibs- These bibs are the bomb dot com! They have a collar around them that helps with the milk dribble. Raegan would get a red ring around her neck from milk getting caught ahd it was almost impossible to get rid of until we got these amazing bibs. Cleared it up right away.

I know that was a lot, but I couldn't leave any of them off because they were all so helpful! 

I'm taking a break tomorrow since it's bump update day. Head back on Monday to hear my must haves for sleep.


  1. Don't forget about baby carriers! It's actually a perfect thing for a baby registry since it's one of those things that you "don't really need but would be nice to have" - or in other words, a perfect gift, haha.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Great review on this car seat! Our big guy is a bit older now so he doesn't need a car seat. read me

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  6. Excellent article. Very interesting to read. I really love to read such a nice article. Thanks! keep rocking. milk bottle warmer


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