Friday, March 27, 2015

IVF #2 Update

I know there's been some radio silence on the blog about our upcoming IVF cycle. Honestly I've been struggling on whether to blog about it or not. Our first cycle and pregnancy were very public. I even blogged our results before telling some of our family.

The last thing I shared about this cycle was that my doctor said I needed to stop exclusively pumping for Raegan for 3 months before we could do a transfer. I struggled with the decision to stop pumping because my supply was so good, but she received 7 months pure breastmilk and I am proud of that. I may not have been able to give her the full year like I wanted, but I also didn't get to breastfeed her like I wanted. Our story is not normal. Our journey to becoming parents is not normal. Our 1st year of being parents is not normal with Raegan's cleft palate. I just have to continue reminding myself about that.

So since my last update post, I have stopped pumping and and we are in our 3 month wait. I went to the doctor and had a pelvic sonogram and and HSC (all procedure before doing another IVF). Everything has checked out normal and we are good to go. This will be my last IVF update as we continue forward. Do not worry. I will let you know when we are pregnant again, but have decided to keep this next part of our journey close to the chest. One thing I've always wanted to do was surprise everyone with a pregnancy announcement. That's hard to do with IVF, especially if you are sharing every tiny detail of it.

I will continue blogging about family, fashion, and food, but won't be doing any IVF posting when/if we receive a positive. I know that everyone will respect our decision and continue praying for us as we move forward.

I love you all.

And just for kicks, I just bought these 2 adorable shirts from Loved By Hannah and Eli. For all my TTC mamas and recent new mamas, you need these shirts! They are soft and adorable!


  1. Oh this is so exciting!!! I would love to hear all about it but I totally understand wanting to keep this for your family :)

  2. Ivf is such a personal journey so I understand your decision. A part of me is glad family probably doesn't read my blog that I know is at least. Hour you can give us an update once you announce your pregnancy.

  3. I understand wanting to keep this personal and private. Often times, I think that the next time we do a transfer I will keep it quiet as well. You have every right to keep this to yourself :) BUT I will be thinking of you and praying for you until you let us know you got a BFP :)

  4. I totally respect you doing this!!! I think I'll do that also for IVF #2. It's not fair that we had to go down a non-traditional road to motherhood (thus not being able to make it a surprise for anyone) but God had made us stronger, more loving mothers because of it. At least I think so :) I'll say a prayer for you that IVF #2 is a quick success! XOXO

  5. So exciting that you are so close to IVF#2. I didn't blog our first cycle, and I've been thinking about how we'll share the news with family and friends, plus the blog world, once we know if our cycle is successful or not. I totally understand your desire to keep things private until after it's all said and done. Lots of prayers and baby dust for you over the next few months.

    Our Little Miracles

  6. Love those cute shirts!! Praying for a successful next IVF! XO

  7. It's exciting to hear that you'll be starting a new cycle soon! We had to ask family members to stop asking so many questions when we went through each of our cycles. It's not "fair" that with IVF it's so much harder to give that surprise announcement. I'll be looking forward to your good news! B and I will say a prayer for you & your family!

  8. Oh my gosh! I am so excited for you!!! Good luck, friend!!! :)

  9. Wishing you all the very best for the next part of your journey - and praying that this next IVF is a success x

  10. I want to wish you the best of luck!!! Looking forward to hear the good news!

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