Thursday, April 2, 2015

Friday Happenings

Another week has passed and the weekend is here! Hallelujah! Here's what went down this week.

First off, this blondie is now a brunette. I'm a natural brunette and honestly, it's just easier! So I'm a brunette until further notice.

This little chunk turned 8 months old. Where has time gone?

We met with Raegan's surgical team on Wednesday to discuss her cleft palate repair surgery. I will write a more in depth post later, but her surgery has been scheduled for April 30. This momma's heart is already nervous.

Raegan has also added to her vocabulary! She is now saying momma and Coco. My sister was beyond thrilled!

Raegan and I headed to my parents for the weekend while Kyle is in Miami for a bachelor party. Oh and don't worry. There were at least 3 more bags behind all of these bags. It took forever to pack up! 

This is Raegan's first night away from home and she went down pretty well! My mom took the baby monitor before bed tonight and told me to sleep! I am so stinking excited to sleep as late as I want and not be woken up at all!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Linking up with:

The Diary of a Real Housewife


  1. I love all of your Vera luggage!! Such a pretty way to travel. Hope you get LOTS of rest this weekend :)

  2. What a cutie!!! and love all that pretty luggage! :)

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