Summer Time Fun

During the summer we are always on the move. We are going to the pool, the zoo, the playground, the snow cone stand and so many more fun summer time activities!

I love to wear Hudson around, but sometimes in the Texas heat, it's just not possible. We both get so hot in this 100 degree weather. The carseat is another great option. Unfortunately carrying around a carseat can be tough. Especially when our little guy is in the 80% percentile. He's a heavy guy. And carrying around a carseat is probably one of the most awkward things for me. I always have Kyle carry him because it hurts my wrist.
But now that we have a LugBug it makes it easy to carry him around. It takes pressure off the wrist and arm and I can tell a difference when I use it.

I am giving one away on Instagram this weekend. So make sure you head over and get entered. Every family needs one to enjoy their summer time fun!

What are your fun summer time plans? I'd love to hear!


  1. I'm sad your whole blog is just a big commercial now :(

    1. I'm sorry you feel that way! I try to only post about products my family loves and how they fit into our lifestyle a few times a month. Life is busy with two under 2 and posting doesn't happen as often as I like! Are there certain things you'd like to see?

  2. Are you searching for some new ideas to write argumentative essay on> Follow this link then!

  3. It was a great season for you as it seems. I don't really like summer to be honest. I can't explain why.


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